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Residential Property

Dealing with Common Repairs

Dealing with Common Repairs

Clients often ask us how they can deal with common repairs to their property when one or more of the owners in the building is not prepared to co-operate or contribute. This challenge faces the owner of any house where there is an element of common property. There are...
New Property Ownership Transparency Register

New Property Ownership Transparency Register

A new register has been set up by the Registers of Scotland. It is designed to bring in property ownership transparency. It is called the Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land, RCI for short. The purpose is to show who has a significant influence...
NOW is an excellent time to sell your property

NOW is an excellent time to sell your property

As we make our way into 2022, the property market has continued to outperform all expectations. Following the end of the first lockdown when the property market opened back up, it has taken off. There are no signs of it slowing down. We are also seeing many properties...
Have you fitted interlinked smoke alarms yet?

Have you fitted interlinked smoke alarms yet?

New legislation has come into force in February 2022.  It requires every home in Scotland not only to have smoke alarms but to have interlinked smoke alarms. Whilst this legislation was created in 2019, it is only now coming into effect. Why was this legislation...