Commercial law covers a wide ranage of legal subjects and we specilise in the most common areas. We can help if you’re looking to buy or sell commercial premises for your business. If you own commercial property and are looking to let it out or re-finance it, get in touch with us. When dealing with commercial leasing, we also look after the tenant’s interest when entering into or acquiring a commercial lease.
Buying, selling or leasing commercial property can be very challenging. Additional rules apply when dealing with commercial property. It’s very important that all necessary checks are carried out in all transactions., For example, we’ll check that the premises can be used for the use the purchaser to tenant wishes to put them to. There can also be issues with fixtures and fittings and any licensing requirements relating to the premises.
We also help our clients deal with their business structures. We can help you with a Partnership Agreement or a Shareholders Agreement as well as a range of other commercial contracts.
Buying a commercial property
Buying a commercial property can be a lot more complicated than your usual run of the mill purchase. We have a huge amount of experience in this area.
Selling a commercial property
Commercial sales can be very complex. We help our commercial clients through the many technical aspects of selling their commercial property.
Refinancing a commercial property
Commercial refinancing can take place for a variety of reasons. We’ll be pleased to advise you every step of the way.
Buying or selling a business
Buying or selling a business is fraught with difficulties ranging from property through to licensing and other permissions. Let us guide you through the purchase or sale maze.
Commercial leasing - landlord or tenant
Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, it pays dividends to ensure the terms of the commercial lease are right for you.
Business Agreements
Whether you’re setting up a new company or going into partnership with someone, we’ll help guide you through the options you face.

Commercial law can be very complex and complicated. We have a wide range of experience dealing with all aspects of commercial transactions – even buying a shall shop can cause as many difficulties as buying a million pound business. The earlier you get us involved, the better.