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Rabia Islam, Associate Solicitor

Rabia Islam, Associate Solicitor

We are delighted to welcome Rabia Islam to Carr Berman Crichton. Rabia joins us as an Associate Solicitor. Rabia studied Legal Services and Business Law at the University of West of Scotland before completing her LLB Degree and Diploma in Professional Legal Practice...
Flight delay compensation – check your entitlement

Flight delay compensation – check your entitlement

Whilst we do not carry out any civil recovery work, we are very aware that clients might be affected by flight delays this summer. Because of that, we thought we should set out your rights to flight delay compensation if you do get stuck in an airport! The first thing...
What happens when a law firm goes out of business?

What happens when a law firm goes out of business?

Recently, we have been approached by clients of another firm that had gone out of business. They asked us for help with their legal affairs. So, we thought we would discuss what happens when a law firm goes out of business. Recently, McClure Solicitors entered...
We believe in Price Transparency Guidance for lawyers

We believe in Price Transparency Guidance for lawyers

Earlier this year, the Law Society of Scotland introduced price transparency guidance for lawyers. The reason for this is to allow people to compare legal fees without having to speak to a solicitor. However, not all price transparency is equal and in this article...
Here’s what we do

Here’s what we do

We’re often asked what it is we do. We could write a full page and more on the services we deliver. However, perhaps this short video will explain it better. So, here’s what we do! We think our latest video describes our services and we’re delighted...
Get help with buying a new home

Get help with buying a new home

When you’re trying to buy your first home or, if you’re a home mover, there’s nothing better than being able to get some help with buying a new home. We’ve heard recently from the Scottish Government about their extension to the Help to Buy (Scotland) scheme. We...