Making an Advance Directive
An Advance Directive used to be called a Living Will. It comes into play should you have a serious accident or and illness resulting in your being hospitalised to the point where you’re reliant on medical intervention. If this happens, an Advance Directive will express your wishes and gives direction to your family members and medical professionals.
The directions in an advance directive are usually followed if the medical professionals who are delivering your treatment know about it.
When would it apply?
It applies if you are being kept alive through medical intervention. Modern end of life care has advanced beyond recognition in recent years and that means that death can be prevented for months, or even years. You can express the wish that you do not want to be kept alive in these circumstances.
Is it legally binding?
It isn’t binding but it’s a very persuasive document. This allows you to express your wishes should you find yourself in an end of life situation.
Does it stop palliative care?
No, it doesn’t. Palliative care helps manage pain, but it’s not designed to prolong life.
Can I revoke it?
Should you change your mind you can revoke it. You can do this in writing or or verbally should you decide you no longer wish it to apply.

Whilst an Advance Directive isn’t legally binding in Scotland, it will give clear guidance to your loved ones and to the medical professionals caring for you. It allows you to express your wishes about what should happen to you if you find yourself in an end of life situation.
Do you need to speak to someone about an Advance Directive?
We will discuss your wishes with sincerity and consideration