We hope you and your family are keeping fit and healthy. We completely understand the concerns and anxieties a lot of our clients are experiencing right now due to coronavirus and we wanted to drop you a line to let you know what we’re doing in the firm to protect you.
Throughout these challenging times, we will continue to deal with your legal case. The Registers of Scotland and the Scottish Court Service are operating a reduced service. Surveyors cannot carry our surveys or provide Home Reports. That means no new properties can come onto the market at the present time. We are finding an increase in enquiries about Wills and Powers of Attorney.
Given the circumstances, there may be some disruption. However, you can continue to contact the solicitor dealing with your case in the usual way. We are able to offer telephone appointments to clients as our office is currently closed. We will also post or email any paperwork that requires to be signed to you, if necessary.
As soon as the Scottish Government signals that we are able to re-open our office, we will do that. We’ll continue,of course, to ensure we employ safe practises and social distancing. Our priority is your safety and the safety of all of our clients.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.